The California Technical Forum (Cal TF) is a collaborative of experts who use independent professional judgment and a transparent, technically robust process to review and issue technical information related to California’s integrated demand side management portfolio. The Cal TF was created in 2014 by a broad group of stakeholders and is funded by participating program administrators.
Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) consisting of statewide energy efficiency stakeholders who determine the Cal TF vision, mission, guiding principles and annual Work Plan. The PAC also reviews Cal TF progress towards goals.
Technical Forum (TF) of independent subject matter experts that peer review methodologies, data, assumptions, and values.
Cal TF Staff who facilitate an open, transparent technical review process and maintain a website of Cal TF materials and TF recommendations.
Cal TF Roadmap
The Cal TF Roadmap fosters longer-term strategic planning and multi-year initiatives. The Roadmap is intended to be a framework that describes how a particular initiative will be developed and is a living document. Cal TF Staff will update the Roadmap annually in consultation with the Cal TF Members and PAC. Cal TF Staff will seek affirmation of updates by the Cal TF PAC prior to the start of a new year.
Cal TF 5-Year Roadmap, Version 1.0 (affirmed on 12/15/2023)
Cal TF Business Plans
The Cal TF PAC approves moving forward with the tasks described in the Cal TF Business Plan each year. However, the PAC approval does not constitute "endorsement" of the plan by individual members or organizations.
2023 Business Plan
Metric 3C Workplan (affirmed on 2/23/23)
Metric 4A Workplan (affirmed on 2/23/23)
Metric 5X “Custom Initiative” Workplan (affirmed on 4/27/23)
Metric 6D Workplan (affirmed on 2/23/23)
Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to us at—we’d love to hear from you!