Cal TF 2018 Subcommittees focused on matters related to the development of the electronic Technical Reference Manual (eTRM) and the measure consolidation process.

eTRM: The eTRM is a transparent, well-documented statewide repository of all California deemed measures. It includes savings values, measure parameters, and all supporting documentation (studies, calculations, modeling approaches, etc.). Expected users of the eTRM include the California utilities, both investor-owned and publicly-owned, regulators, implementers, and evaluators. The eTRM and its contents, once approved by the California Public Utilities Commission, will replace current systems used to track information about deemed measures, including DEER, Preliminary Ex Ante Review database (PRdb), Ex Ante database (EAdb), READi, utility non-DEER Workpapers, the POU Technical Reference Manual, and a myriad of internal utility systems used to track deemed measure information.

Governance Subcommittee: The Governance Subcommittee reviews policies and procedures related to measure development and governance of the eTRM, including common QA/QC standards, a new measure review process, and governance of the eTRM. 

Technical Policies and Requirements Subcommittee: The Technical Policies and Requirements Subcommittee identifies technical policies and requirements for deemed measure development. The goal of this committee is to identify and memorialize technical policies and requirements in a single document to make it easier for measure developers and others to understand and apply applicable policies and requirements, and to recommend changes when appropriate. 

Technology-Specific Subcommittees: These committees are technology-specific. The committees focus on review of existing measures that are being consolidated into single measures. The subcommittee members review and comment on the technology category as well as measure-specific issues, and recommend how to harmonize differences across similar measures. The measure consolidation process is further described in Cal TF Technical Position Paper #6, Overlapping Measure Consolidation Process (Prior to eTRM Placement). A flow chart of the Measure Consolidation process is available here. In reviewing technology category and measure-specific issues, the subcommittees may identify changes to existing measures and measure categories that require regulator review and approval.


Cal TF Staff Lead: Annette Beitel
File Access: Governance Subcommittee (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)


Cal TF Staff Lead: Annette Beitel
File Access: Technical Policies and Requirements Subcommittee (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Appliance Plug Load Technology Overview
APL Subcommittee Meeting 1
APL Subcommittee Meeting 2
APL Subcommittee Meeting 3
APL Subcommittee Meeting 4
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation November 2017
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation February 2018
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation April 2018


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Pools Subcommittee Meeting 1
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation October 2017
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation June 2018
Pools Subcommittee Meeting 4


Cal TF Staff Lead: Roger Baker
File Access:  (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Miscellaneous Subcommittee Meeting 1
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation October 2017
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation October 2017
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation April 2018


Cal TF Staff Lead: Tim Melloch
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Lighting Technology Overview
Lighting Subcommittee Meeting 1
Lighting Subcommittee Meeting 2
Lighting Subcommittee Meeting 3
Lighting Subcommittee Meeting 4
Lighting Subcommittee Meeting 5
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation December 2017
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation March 2018
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation February 2018
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation April 2018
Lighting Subcommittee Meeting 6
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation June 2018


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

HVAC Technology Overview
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 1
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 2
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 3
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 4
HVAC Update April 2018
HVAC Update June 2018
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 5
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 6
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 7 (Res)
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 8 (Com)
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 9 (Com)
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 10 (Com)
HVAC Subcommittee Meeting 10 (Res)


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Building Envelope Meeting 1
Building Envelope Meeting 2
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation June 2018


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Process Subcommittee Meeting 1
Process Subcommittee Meeting 2
Process Subcommittee Meeting 3
Process Subcommittee Meeting 4
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation June 2018


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members

Commercial Refrigeration Technology Overview
Commercial Refrigeration Subcommittee Meeting 2
Commercial Refrigeration Subcommittee Meeting 3
Commercial Refrigeration Subcommittee Meeting 4
Commercial Refrigeration Subcommittee Meeting 5
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Agriculture Technology Overview
Agriculture Subcommittee Meeting 1
Agriculture Subcommittee Meeting 2
Agriculture Subcommittee Meeting 3
Agriculture Subcommittee Meeting 4
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation October 2017
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation March 2018
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation April 2018


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Food Service Technology Overview
Food Service Subcommittee Meeting 2
Food Service Subcommittee Meeting 3
Food Service Subcommittee Meeting 4
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation


Cal TF Staff Lead: Ayad Al-Shaikh
File Access: (Dropbox accessible only by Subcommittee Members)

Water Heating Subcommittee Overview
Water Heating Technology Overview
Water Heating Subcommittee Meeting 1
Water Heating Subcommittee Meeting 2
Water Heating Subcommittee Meeting 3
Water Heating Subcommittee Meeting 4
Water Heating Subcommittee Meeting 5
Cal TF Tier 1 Presentation December 2017
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation March 2018
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation April 2018
Cal TF Tier 2 Presentation June 2018