An organization or individual can submit a proposal to develop an energy efficiency measure to be considered for the California energy efficiency portfolios.
Anyone can submit a proposal for a new measure or measure update. New measure proposals typically originate from Implementers, IOUs, POUs, or Manufacturers.
Measures initiated and developed by IOUs or POUs can bypass most steps in the Measure Screening phase. However, an IOU or POU may elect to submit their new measure or measure update proposal through the Measure Screening process if they want to receive Measure Screening Committee’s input and feedback.
Once a proposal passes the Measure Screening Committee, the proposal is assigned a “Lead PA.”
The following table shows the list of proposals submitted to the Measure Screening Committee, with the most recent proposal displayed first. Measures that bypass this process are not included in the list.
“Stage” describes the status of each measure proposal:
Measure Screening Committee: Measure proposal may be:
Under initial review by Cal TF Staff prior to presentation at the Measure Screening Committee, or
Awaiting a decision (affirmed or rejected) due to outstanding screening issues identified by the Measure Screening Committee. See New Measure Issues Tracker in dashboard above for details.
Measure Development: Measure proposal has been affirmed or passed by the Measure Screening Committee and is undergoing further development with a Lead Program Administrator (PA).
Review & Submission: Measure development is complete and measure is undergoing review for CPUC approval or for publication as POU-ready. See eTRM measure log, version history, and measure development reports for detailed eTRM status tracking.
Once approved or published, CPUC approval or POU-ready date will be displayed in eTRM.
Rejected: Measure proposal was not affirmed by the Measure Screening Committee. In this case, Cal TF Staff will provide the proposer the reasons the proposal was not affirmed.
Withdrawn: Measure proposal retracted by proposer.
Hold: Measure proposer and Cal TF (or Lead PA) agree that the measure proposal will not move forward until further notice from proposer or Lead PA.