In consultation with the Program Administrator Staff, Energy Division Staff, and TF and PAC Members, Cal TF Staff develops templates, checklists, guidelines, and other tools to facilitate the development of high-quality energy savings estimates and measures.  


Statewide Measure Characterization Template (v6.3, updated January 23, 2025)

Statewide Measure Development and QA/QC Guidelines (v2.6.0, updated November 17, 2023)

Statewide Measure Development Style Guide (v3.0, updated February 25, 2022)

Exclusion Table Examples (updated August 26, 2021)

Workflow Conventions and Standards “Cheat Sheet” for Measure Contributors (v3, updated October 20, 2023)


Statewide Deemed Workpaper Rulebook (Version 4.0)

The Statewide Deemed Workpaper Rulebook (Rulebook) presents a compendium of the current CPUC directives for estimating ex ante savings claims for energy efficiency measures using the deemed savings calculation method. The Rulebook represents the investor-owned utilities’ (IOUs) understanding of the CPUC’s rules and requirements for claiming energy savings from installed energy efficiency measures.

Fuel Substitution Technical Guidance for Energy Efficiency

The CPUC issued the Fuel Substitution Technical Guidance for Energy Efficiency (Version 1.1) on the methods and procedures to analyze fuel substitution measures. This document explains how to determine a fuel substitution measure baseline, explains the fuel substitution eligibility test, and how to calculate the cost effectiveness and report energy savings. The Fuel Substitution Calculator (Version 1.1) supplements the Technical Guidance document and should be considered an interim tool for use in performing the Fuel Substitution Test and calculating energy savings for cost effectiveness analysis and reporting.

Deemed Measure Training

The California Public Utilities Commission and the California investor-owned utilities have held various training events to introduce third-party implementers to the tools and information needed to develop deemed measure , clarify the roles and responsibilities for measure development, and describe the process and timing for review and approval of measures. The documents and recordings from these events are available below:

Deemed Measure FAQs

The California Program Administrators have documented the questions and responses (FAQs) related to the development of deemed measures. Southern California Edison maintains and posts these FAQs on the EE Programs Solicitations Information & Resources webpage.

 Workpaper Archive

The CPUC approved workpapers and associated measures can be found on the DEER Workpaper and Disposition Archive. The workpapers found at this website are comprehensive; they include active and inactive measures.  Workpapers for inactive measures are distinguished by a“FALSE” status in the “Current Revision” column in the “Workpaper files” selection table.