The Technical Forum (TF) is the body of independent subject matter experts that peer review methodologies, data, assumptions, and energy savings values. 

Collectively, the TF members bring to California over 600 years of combined energy efficiency experience and great enthusiasm for improving the process by which energy efficiency savings estimates are developed. These energy efficiency professionals – including engineers, scientists, and architects – have experience across all customer classes, and expertise in a wide range of efficiency measures, from lighting and HVAC to innovative behavioral services and other emerging approaches. The members are experts in sophisticated simulation modeling, experimental design, economics, statistics, program implementation, and evaluation. The expertise amassed here is invaluable in providing insightful and thorough review of current data analytical tools. 

Click on the picture of a member below for their full biography and contact information.


Abhijeet Pande

Abhijeet Pande

Adan Rosillo

Alfredo Gutierrez

Alfredo Gutierrez

Anders Danryd

Andres Fergadiotti

Andres Fergadiotti

Andrew Parker

Andrew Parker

Antonio Aliberti

Arash Kialashaki

Briana Rogers

Charles Ehrlich

Charles Ehrlich

Christopher Rogers

Denis Livchak

Eduardo Reynoso

Eduardo Reynoso

Eric Noller

Eric Noller

Gary Fernstrom

Gary Fernstrom

Greg Barker

Greg Barker

George Beeler

Jay Bhakta

King Lee

King Lee

Lake Casco

Martin Vu

Michael Green

Mike Casey

Mike Casey

Myrna Dayan

Nicholas Fette

Richard Ma

Richard Ma

Roger Baker

Sepideh Shahinfard

Sepideh Shahinfard

Steven Long

Steven Long

Tim Olsen

Vivek Joshi

Vrushali Mendon

Vrushali Mendon