Follow these guidelines to propose, develop, and submit a measure.
An organization or individual can submit a proposal to develop an energy efficiency measure to be considered for the California energy efficiency portfolios.
Each phase includes several steps, some of which are stage gates at which point a decision will be made whether to advance the measure to the next step or require the requesting entity to address identified issues or gaps. Entities that submit a measure should be aware that these processes may be iterative and require collaboration with one or more of the California program administrators.
The Measure Proposal Form must be completed to submit a request for a new measure or to update an existing measure.
Cal TF Staff will confirm receipt of your Measure Proposal Form via email and will indicate if the form is incomplete.
Your Measure Submission Form will be reviewed by the Measure Screening Committee and will be added to the agenda for the next monthly Measure Screening Meeting. Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Every effort will be made to add a measure to the meeting within the same month that it was submitted, but 10 business days are required to allow the Measure Screening Committee enough time to review the submitted documents. Go to the Cal TF meetings and events page to see the schedule of upcoming meetings.
After the Measure Screening Meeting, Cal TF Staff will notify the primary contact by email if the measure passed the Measure Screening Phase.
If your measure passes the Measure Screening Phase, you will be assigned a Lead Program Administrator (PA) contact. The Lead PA contact, in conjunction with Cal TF Staff, will work with you throughout the measure development process.
A Terms and Conditions agreement must be completed during this stage of the process.
The first milestone of measure development is to complete a Measure Development/Update Plan. The Measure Development/Update Plan must be completed after your measure proposal (Step 1) is approved. This plan includes a measure development schedule and will identify areas of the Measure Proposal Form that require input from the Lead PA, Cal TF, and/or the CPUC Staff and ex ante review consultants. Your assigned Lead PA contact will provide the plan template and will work with you to complete this plan.
During the next monthly Cal TF meeting, the Cal TF will review this plan and your Measure Proposal Form. Cal TF members will provide early feedback that will help you complete the final step of measure development. You may be required to attend the meeting to provide an overview of your proposed measure and review your plan with the Cal TF members. Go to the Cal TF meetings and events page to see the schedule of upcoming meetings. If the measure will be submitted to the CPUC for approval for the IOU portfolios, you may also receive early feedback from the CPUC ex ante review consultants.
After you receive feedback on your measure development/update plan, you must prepare the Draft Measure Packet in the eTRM by using available templates/tools and by following established guidelines. Cal TF Staff will guide you through the process and will be available to respond to your questions. You will be expected to have regular meetings with Cal TF Staff and your assigned Lead PA contact to monitor progress and support the measure development process. All templates, guidelines, and resources for measure development are available on the Cal TF Tools page.
The complete Draft Measure Packet in the eTRM must include:
Statewide Measure Characterization
Statewide Data Specification
All reference files, including (but not limited to) calculations, source data, model input/output files, and secondary studies.
Step 4: Measure Review
Cal TF Staff will review the Draft Measure Packet for accuracy, completeness, and conformance to the Statewide Measure Development and Peer Review QA/QC Guidelines, the Statewide Measure Style Guide, and to ensure that all comments on the Measure Development/Update Plan and Cal TF feedback have been addressed.
The assigned Lead PA will review the Draft Measure Packet for compliance with CPUC requirements, as set forth in the Statewide Deemed Rulebook and from early feedback from the CPUC ex ante consultants. Once Cal TF Staff and the Lead PA have completed their review, Cal TF Staff will provide the measure developer with joint comments and will host a meeting with the measure developer, assigned PA, and Cal TF Staff to review the comments.
During this step your assigned Utility PA or Cal TF Staff may ask you for clarification, additional documentation, or revisions to the Draft Measure Packet.
Step 5: Cal TF Affirmation
Cal TF Affirmation of the measure signifies that the measure has been fully vetted and reviewed by an independent body of experts. Cal TF Affirmed measures are eligible for implementation in the publicly-owned utility (POU) programs.
You will be required to present the measure at the designated Cal TF meeting and may need to provide additional information as requested by Cal TF members. Presentations will be in person if the Cal TF meeting format is in-person. Go to the Cal TF meetings and events page to see the schedule of upcoming meetings.
Once affirmed by the Cal TF, the measure will be published in the eTRM with “Cal TF Affirmed” status.
Step 6: Submit Measure for CPUC Approval (by IOU, CCA, or REN only)
In order for a measure to be eligible for implementation in the energy efficiency portfolios of the investor-owned utilities (IOUs), Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs), or Regional Energy Networks (RENs), a measure must be submitted to and approved by the CPUC.
The assigned Lead PA will prepare the Final Measure Packet required by the CPUC.
Only the assigned PA can submit the Final Measure Packet to the CPUC for approval. The process and timeline to submit a measure to the CPUC will follow the current established process, as outlined in the Statewide Deemed Rulebook.
Once approved by the CPUC, the measure will be published and can be accessed in the eTRM with “CPUC Approved” status.
This process is managed by the California Technical Forum (Cal TF) Staff and is supported by the utilities that fund the Cal TF:
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), Southern California Gas Company (SCG), Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), and
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP).