Objective: The purpose of the Custom Subcommittee is to 1) develop standard savings estimation methods, calculation tools, and data requirements for select custom measures, 2) develop a statewide naming convention for custom measures, and 3) to provide input on Cal TF Staff analysis of how existing eTRM tools can be used to standardize and streamline custom projects.

Cal TF Staff Lead: Arlis Reynolds (

The following documents provide additional information on the background, scope, and goals of the Cal TF Custom Initiative and Custom Subcommittee:

The Custom Subcommittee meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1pm to 3pm, and subcommittee members may participate in additional measure- or topic-specific working groups.

The Subcommittee hosts resources and working documents on the Cal TF Custom Initiative SharePoint Site. (The current SharePoint site was launched on 9/1/2023; materials developed prior to 9/1/2023 may have broken hyperlinks.)

Email to join the Custom Subcommittee and/or to access the Custom Initiative SharePoint site.

Custom Rulebook
The Cal TF Custom Rulebook activity will consolidate all rules and processes governing custom measures in a single, clear, accessible, organized, up-to-date document that is easy to understand, navigate, and maintain. The first phase of this activity is the Custom Rulebook Workbook (CRW), an interim work product intended to help consolidate and organize existing custom rules and facilitate stakeholder discussions to clarify, streamline/simplify, and address other challenges with rules applied to custom measures and projects.

Custom Rulebook Workbook Review Instructions:
Guide for Workbook Review, v1 (5/22/2024)

Custom Rulebook Workbook Versions:
CRW Module 1: Eligibility (5/1/2024)
CRW Module 2: All Categories Except Baseline, Influence, POE (5/22/2024)

Custom Rulebook Workbook Study Sessions:
Session 1 (5/22) - Eligibility, Definitions, Guidance, Resources/Tools
Session 2 (5/29) - Eligibility, Eligible Measures
Session 3 (6/5) - (1) Rulebook Maintenance (i.e., approach and timing to maintain a reliable and up-to-date Rulebook resource with minimal disruption to in-progress projects and programs); (2) Rulebook Category: Eligibility
Session 4 (6/12) - Eligibility, Eligible Measures
Session 5 (6/18) - TBD
Session 6 (7/10) - TBD
Session 7 (7/17) - TBD
Session 8 (7/24) - TBD
Session 9 (7/31) - TBD

Custom Working Groups
Custom working groups meet on a weekly or biweekly basis for topic- or measure-specific discussions. All Working Group materials are on the Cal TF Custom Initiative SharePoint Site.

Active Working Groups are:

  • Compressed Air Systems

  • Multifamily Existing Buildings - Whole Building

  • Non-Residential New Construction - Individual Systems

  • Site NMEC (new - starting soon)

  • Lighting (new - starting soon)

Meeting Materials
Meeting 19 PPT 2023-06-05
Meeting 18 PPT 2023-05-01
Custom Rulebook Workbook Module 1: Eligibility
Meeting 17 PPT 2023-04-03
(no March Meeting)
Meeting 16 PPT 2023-02-07
Meeting 15 PPT 2023-01-10
Meeting 14 PPT 2023-12-06
Slido Poll Results on CMC Priorities
Meeting 13 PPT 2023-11-01
Meeting 12 PPT 2023-10-04
Meeting 11 PPT 2023-09-13
SURVEY: Stakeholder Survey on ISP and Standard Practice Baseline Selection for Custom (survey is now closed)
This survey is intended for stakeholders who have experience with custom Industry Standard Practice (ISP) studies and Standard Practice baseline selection as part of the custom project development process in the last 3 years.
Meeting 10 PPT 2023-07-12
Download Custom Tools List for Stakeholder Review
Download Custom Resource Workbook for Stakeholder Review
Meeting 9 PPT 2023-06-07
Meeting 8 PPT 2023-05-03
Meeting 7 PPT 2023-04-03

Metric 5X Custom Initiative Draft Workplan (comments due April 17)
DRAFT Custom Measure Package: Steam Boiler (need SharePoint access; comments due April 19)
Custom eTRM Design 2.1 (Phase 1 Wireframes)
Link to Custom eTRM Phase 1 Functional Specifications (need SharePoint access)
Meeting 6 PPT 2023-03-01
Meeting 5 PPT 2023-02-01
Custom eTRM Design 1.2 (Phase 1 Wireframes)
Custom eTRM Design 1.2 - Discussion Notes with Q&A from 2/1/23 Meeting
Link to Custom eTRM Phase 1 Functional Specifications (need SharePoint access)
White Paper Topic Brainstorm_ISP Process for Custom
Meeting 4 PPT 2022-12-07
Meeting 3 PPT 2022-11-02
Custom Charette on 2022-10-27
Meeting Notes
Agenda and PPT (DRAFT)
Custom Charette Small Group Discussion Template (PDF)
Custom Charette Small Group Discussion Template (Word)
Meeting 2 PPT 2022-10-05
Request for Input on Custom Measure Information (respond by 9/30)
Meeting 1 PPT 2022-09-13

Background Materials
Custom eTRM Memo - 05-18-2022
Proof of Concept for Custom Measures in eTRM - 02-17-2022
POU Custom Memo - 12-15-2020